The Cocoon

Days 6,7,8 | The Energy Within

In the face of intense changes and external threats, we respond instinctively. Our defense mechanism
is activated and our body seeks protection and comfort in a quiet, detached place.

The cocoon represents the process we go through in times of danger. Gathering into a safe and protected place, seemingly without visible movement.

However, there is energy waiting to be felt within this inner nested womb. within the protective cocoon, the entity undergoes a process of change, metamorphosis, from which a new self will emerge.


We built a human-size clay cocoon, with a touch sensor and a speaker inside. Textured images were projected on it, and changed based on the sounds produced by the visitors.

Two pairs of headphones were placed near the cocoon and microphones were placed at several points in the space. The speaker inside the cocoon played a recorded text (whispering) about the relationship between man and nature.

Upon entering the space, the visitors could hear the whispered words, and once they put on the headphones, they heard the voice from inside the cacoon, as well as those of the surrounding area, including their own.

By mixing their own sounds with those picked up by the microphones, the viewer was able to produce sounds that were different from what we are used to hearing. When the viewer touched the sensor, sound effects were added to the sound heard through the headphones, adding harmony to the sound.


The Feast


The Moon